A new study examines how bacteria clog medÂical devices, and the result isnt pretty. The microbes join to creÂate slimy ribÂbons that tanÂgle and trap other passÂing bacteÂria, creÂatÂing a full blockÂage in a starÂtlingly short period of time.
The findÂing could help shape strateÂgies for preÂventÂing clogÂging of devices such as stents which are implanted in the body to keep open blood vesÂsels and pasÂsages as well as water filÂters and other items that are susÂcepÂtiÂble to conÂtÂaÂmÂiÂnaÂtion. The research was pubÂlished in ProÂceedÂings of the National AcadÂemy of Sciences.
Using time-lapse imagÂing, researchers at PrinceÂton UniÂverÂsity monÂiÂtored fluid flow in narÂrow tubes or pores simÂiÂlar to those used in water filÂters and medÂical devices. Unlike preÂviÂous studÂies, the PrinceÂton experÂiÂment more closely mimÂicÂked the natÂural feaÂtures of the devices, using rough rather than smooth surÂfaces and pressure-driven fluid instead of non-moving fluid.
The team of biolÂoÂgists and engiÂneers introÂduced a small numÂber of bacÂteÂria known to be comÂmon conÂtÂaÂmÂiÂnants of medÂical devices. Over a period of about 40 hours, the researchers observed that some of the microbes dyed green for visÂiÂbilÂity attached to the inner wall of the tube and began to mulÂtiÂply, evenÂtuÂally formÂing a slimy coatÂing called a biofilm. These films conÂsist of thouÂsands of indiÂvidÂual cells held together by a sort of bioÂlogÂiÂcal glue.
Over the next sevÂeral hours, the researchers sent addiÂtional microbes, dyed red, into the tube. These red cells became stuck to the biofilm-coated walls, where the force of the flowÂing liqÂuid shaped the trapped cells into streamÂers that ripÂpled in the liqÂuid like flags ripÂpling in a breeze. DurÂing this time, the fluid flow slowed only slightly.
At about 55 hours into the experÂiÂment, the biofilm streamÂers tanÂgled with each other, formÂing a net-like barÂrier that trapped addiÂtional bacÂteÂrÂial cells, creÂatÂing a larger barÂrier which in turn ensnared more cells. Within an hour, the entire tube became blocked and the fluid flow stopped.
The study was conÂducted by lead author Knut Drescher with assisÂtance from techÂniÂcian Yi Shen. Drescher is a postÂdocÂtoral research assoÂciate workÂing with BonÂnie Bassler, Princetons Squibb ProÂfesÂsor in MolÂeÂcÂuÂlar BiolÂogy and a Howard Hughes MedÂical InstiÂtute InvesÂtiÂgaÂtor, and Howard Stone, Princetons DonÂald R. Dixon 69 and ElizÂaÂbeth W. Dixon ProÂfesÂsor of MechanÂiÂcal and AeroÂspace Engineering.
For me the surÂprise was how quickly the biofilm streamÂers caused comÂplete clogÂging, says Stone. There was no warnÂing that someÂthing bad was about to happen.
By conÂstructÂing their own conÂtrolled enviÂronÂment, the researchers demonÂstrated that rough surÂfaces and presÂsure driÂven flow are charÂacÂterÂisÂtics of nature and need to be taken into account experÂiÂmenÂtally. The researchers used stents, soil-based filÂters and water filÂters to prove that the biofilm streams indeed form in real sceÂnarÂios and likely explain why devices fail.
The work also allowed the researchers to explore which bacÂteÂrÂial genes conÂtribute to biofilm streamer forÂmaÂtion. PreÂviÂous studÂies, conÂducted under non-realistic conÂdiÂtions, idenÂtiÂfied sevÂeral genes involved in forÂmaÂtion of the biofilm streamÂers. The PrinceÂton researchers found that some of those preÂviÂously idenÂtiÂfied genes were not needed for biofilm streamer forÂmaÂtion in the more realÂisÂtic habitat.
This work was supÂported by the Howard Hughes MedÂical InstiÂtute, National InstiÂtutes of Health grant 5R01GM065859, National SciÂence FounÂdaÂtion (NSF) grant MCB-0343821, NSF grant MCB-1119232, and the Human FronÂtier SciÂence Program.
Reference: Drescher, Knut, Yi Shen, BonÂnie L. Bassler, and Howard A. Stone. 2013. Biofilm streamÂers cause catÂaÂstrophic disÂrupÂtion of flow with conÂseÂquences for enviÂronÂmenÂtal and medÂical sysÂtems. ProÂceedÂings of the National AcadÂemy of SciÂences. PubÂlished online FebÂ. 11.
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