Environmental Services

The Infection Control Today® environmental services (EVS) page recognizes the team responsible for sanitation and cleaning within the health care system. EVS personnel are an integral component of infection prevention in the hospital, working closely together with the health care staff to ensure patient safety and hygiene standards. ICT® keeps a close eye on developments in the environmental services industry and reports on any peer-reviewed literature. This page also features video interviews with EVS and the professionals who interact with them.

Latest News

An Infection preventionist reading an IFU.  (Adobe Stock 864527400 by Prostock-studio)
An Infection Preventionist Considers Why Manufacturers Need to Update IFUs

July 11th 2024

Katharine J. Hoffman, MPH, CIC, LSSGB: It’s time to take the devil out of the details in interpreting and successfully following manufacturers' instructions for use; why do manufacturers need to update IFUs?

An image of an infection prevention personnel in a superhero cape and mask.  (Image by author with AI)
IP LifeLine: Superhero Secrets: Mastering Infection Prevention in Your New Job

July 10th 2024

Cytomegalovirus Virus  (Adobe Stock 802124513 by Pngify)
Enhancing Awareness and Prevention of Cytomegalovirus (CMV) During CMV Awareness Month

June 28th 2024

Too much noise! (Adobe Stock 555592602 by Bangun)
Streamlining Hospital Communication: Reducing Noise and Improving Patient Care

June 27th 2024

nterior of a somber hospital room.  (Adobe Stock 764272114 by gassh)
Overcoming Limitations in a Low-Resource Facility: Spotlight on the Navajo Nation

June 10th 2024

Video Interviews

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