250,000 Deaths Per Year May Be Due To Iatrogenic Causes
JAMA Commentary Reports that Deaths Within the US Healthcare System may be Third Leading Cause of Death
Merck Drug Shown to Work in Treating Male Osteoporosis
Molecule is Found Effective in Inhibiting Cancer Tumors
Tentative FDA Approval for Generic Version of Taxol
2000 September Women in Medicine Month
40th Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy
FDA Approves Wider Use Visudyne
Health Tips for Safer Holidays
Achieving Sharps Injury Reduction:Moving from Theory to Implementation
General Surgery Trocars, Sheaths, and Veress Needles
Sherlock Holmes' Approach to BIs & CIs
Outsourcing Sterile Processing
Finding the Glove Protection that Meets Your NeedsThis article discusses glove selection and latex-free environments
The Environmental Essentials to OR Cleaning
OSHA's Final TB Ruling
Figure 1: Classifications
Gene Therapy
New Study Provides Evidence of Success in the Development of New Blood Vessels
Clearance for New Disinfectant/Sterilant
Mass Medicine
Treating Groups of Patients vs. Individuals
Alzheimer's Gene Link
Possible Path to Treatment
Advances in Nerve-Cell Production
A Procedure that Converts Bone Marrow Stem Cells into Neurons Could Provide Treatments for Spinal Cord Injury and Brain Trauma.
Online Courses
Society of Gerontology Nurses and Associates, Inc. Offer Online Course
World Educational Congress for Laundering and Drycleaning
American Academy of Pediatrics Pushes for Uniformity in Infant Testing Standards
Fast-Acting Anti-Itch Cream
Weight Loss Drug Safety Questioned by FDA
FDA and Industry Officials Disagree Over Ephedra
FDA Publishes Guidance Document for Reprocessing Medical Devices
Flu Vaccine Shortage
Calypte Extends Mobile HIV-1 Antibody Urine Test
Customized Drugs for Cancer Patients