Advanced Technology

The Infection Control Today® advanced technology page allows readers to stay up-to-date on new technologies aimed at preventing infection, such as ultraviolet disinfection, real-time locating systems, foggers, sterilization robots, automation, virtual reality technology during hospital design, and more. Articles and videos focus on explaining the role of these various technologies within the health care system and how infection prevention professionals can integrate them into everyday use.

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Infection Control Today's Product Locator: Gift edition
Product Locator: Midsummer Gifts for Infection Prevention Personnel

July 12th 2024

Whether it is a birthday, an anniversary, or no reason at all, infection prevention personnel love to give and receive gifts that help at the end of a stressful day. Infection Control Today® offers gift ideas for prevention personnel and their families.

ICT's Product Locator: May/June 2024
ICT's Product Locator: May/June 2024

June 26th 2024

An image of the blood sampling medical device  (Image credit: Study authors/JAMA)
Infection Intel: Revolutionizing Blood Sampling: Innovative Device Offers Pain-Free and Accessible Solution

May 21st 2024

Infection Control Today's Infection Intel: Staying Ahead With Company Updates and Product Innovations.
Infection Intel: Revolutionizing Pharmaceutical Cold Chain: An Interview With SpaceWalker’s James E. Fesmire, MS

May 17th 2024

Poorly dressed central line catheter  (Adobe Stock 271083361 by Kiryl Lis)
Revolutionary UV-C Device Offers Hope in the Fight Against Central Line-associated Bloodstream Infections (CLABSIs)

May 2nd 2024

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